
I’m Terry C. “T.C.” Misfeldt and I’m always getting ideas for stories. When I develop them, some become novel length while others end up as short stories, essays or blog posts. Lately I have been considering publishing a book of short stories which, I must admit, means I do not have the energy to expand them into full-length novels. I’m thinking of calling it “Shorts.”

My first published piece was “Space,” a poem in The World’s Great Contemporary Poems. My first novel, Shevivor was published in April 2020.

I grew up in a small German-Polish farming community in central Wisconsin where I learned to hunt with my dad, a World War II veteran and milk inspector. Dad loved farm life and was always connected to agriculture in some way. I grew up working on farms and exploring the woodlands around home. I still enjoy being in the woods and hunting with my son or friends. I host a family heritage website for the Misfeldt family. Getting and sharing genealogical information is challenging when the size of your family expands in the process. I spent months during the early stages of the pandemic creating our extended family tree on Ancestry.

First and foremost, though, I’m a writer. My mother was a kindergarten teacher who taught me to read and write, first printing and then cursive. She inspired my love of reading that continues today. I keep track of what I read on Good Reads. I learned to type on a manual typewriter and was fortunate to take a Smith-Corona portable to college. Eventually, I graduated to an IBM Selectric machine and my writing speed improved. Then along came computers and life as a writer was enriched beyond measure. Now my typing keeps up with my thought process more readily.

My writing career has been blessed by a stint as photojournalist for my home town newspaper, The Thorp Courier. I learned many skills and covered interesting stories.

One of my revered images is the sunset taken at the Black River Jam outdoor concert (shown below) that was popular with those who attended. It was an awesome event put on by my neighbor and friend, Dennis Ogurek. Denny was a year older and an adversary until we had a dust up in the halls of our high school after which we became good friends.

My newspaper work gave me the opportunity to blossom into managing editor and editor of Future magazine and director of publications for The United States Jaycees while it was still  headquartered in Tulsa.

Since moving back to Wisconsin after living in Oklahoma, Michigan, and Illinois, I have written commercials, business plans, and market research studies for a variety of clients in my business ventures. I own Brand Irons, a consulting firm specializing in market research and feasibility studies, where I serve as President and Trail Boss but concentrate now on writing.

Writing remains my passion. My goal: To be a well-rounded, world-class, creative writer and editor who has a positive impact on the lives of others.

I belong to the Green Bay Area Writer’s Guild and to Shawano Area Writers. I am also a member of the Wisconsin Writer’s Association. I edited and published the 50th anniversary edition anthology of Shawano Area Writers, available through Amazon.

I am a 4th Degree member of the Knights of Columbus and have been a member since 1977. Active in my parish, I recently chaired our  visioning committee and served on our parish council. I find it ironic that I attended St. Bernard Parish in my home town and have now been a member of St. Bernard Parish in Green Bay since 1990.

  • Projects

I have several writing projects in development, and you’ll learn more about those as this website develops.

One that has been brewing for some time is Smokey the Hobo, a children’s book that I collaborated on with Thomas Knaus. The first book is finished and we’re looking for a publisher to get it in print for young adults to enjoy. We are considering self-publishing so it is available to readers.

My first published novel is about a courageous young woman who survives more attacks than most people ever face. Shevivor is in print and the sequel is in the editor’s hands–those being mine.

I’m also working on my memoirs and short stories about being in touch with people on the other side. 

This picture was taken in October 2021 in Chicago and shows my bride and I with our six grandchildren.My,how quickly they grow.